Thursday, December 29, 2011

The Coming Year: 2012

At this time you might be assessing your progress from last year and coming up with resolutions or goals for making progress in 2012. These are goals you might consider for a more stress free up coning year:

  • Start of continue an exercise program-You don't have to do Olympic style training for it to be worth while. A moderate program will do just fine without stressing you out. Just remember, "Move it or loose it."
  • Set aside 15 to 30 minutes a day to do nothing but relax. This lets your sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system and related glands time to rest and reset. It will also help to clear your mind.
  • Provide service and help to others. You'll be amazed how mush this will help you.
  • Get a massage every month or two to help your mind and body relax and be ready to meet a new day.
"Nuff Said"

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