Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The Power of Forgiveness

People are just not fair. They can be insulting,callous,immoral, dishonest. Their behavior can even cause injury or death to the ones we love. So, its easy to be upset,offended or angered by the actions of others. Its easy to want to ‘get even’. However, wanting to ‘get even’ only hurts one person-You.

So, then what can you do if you are eaten up with anger, frustration or moral indignation over what someone has doe to you or a loved one? Heal yourself with forgiveness. Yes, that’s right, forgive them. Just let it go. Those who have committed a crime must still face legal consequences. Those who purposefully hurt your feelings, or the feelings of others, will eventually suffer the consequences of their indiscretions. And, those who just made a stupid mistake? I think we are all in that boat and need to be careful about throwing stones. After all, we want to be forgiven when we foul up.

“Forgiveness is freeing up and putting to better use the energy once consumed by holding grudges, harboring resentments,, and nursing unhealed wounds. It is rediscovering the strengths we always had and relocating our limitless capacity to understand other people and ourselves.” 1 Furthermore, when we forgive we free up life’s energy that can help us heal ourselves both physically and emotionally. So, be a forgiving person. It can be liberating.
“Nuff Said”

1 With Suzanne Simon,, Forgiveness: How to Make Peace with Your Past and Get on with Your Life (1990) , 19.

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