Tuesday, November 02, 2010


In the Fall 2010 issue of Diabetes Outlook there is an article entitled, ”Can a quick walk curb your chocolate craving?” In this article it stated:
Go for a brisk 15-minute walk. In the journal, Appetite, people reported that a short walk could kick their chocolate cravings. Even those who were tempted with an unwrapped chocolate bar were less inclined to eat it if they had just finished walking.1
I would be interested in knowing if they would eat the chocolate bar if no one was looking-has anyone watched the main character on the television show entitled “The Closer?” Actually, there are many of us out here who are Chocohalics suffering from the dread disease of Chocohalism.

So, give a 15-minute brisk walk a chance. If it doesn’t work admit you’re a chocoholic and do the 12 step program.
“Nuff Said”

1. Deseret Mutual. Diabetes Outlook. Fall 2010. p. 2

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Be a Rock!

Rocks are hard and can have many sides and textures.

The next time you are in a park or a field where there are a lot of rocks look around and pick a nice one that will fit in your pocket. Then, pick it up and put it there. When you begin to feel stress just touch or hold onto that rock. Feel its surface with all its little imperfections and textures. Then, remember you are like the rock. You have many sides, textures and imperfections, also. You can equally be as hard as a rock letting all of the daily troubles and worries bounce off of you and fall to the ground.

Relax, it can get worse, and then get better.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Laughteer "IS" the best medicine

The whole world seems in turmoil. Disasters, calamities,strong rhetoric all combine to sap your strength and stress you out. And, when you become stressed your health can suffer.

So, what can you do to relieve the stress?

One thing is to remember mankind has always had to face tough situations and it will be no different for us and those in the future. So, don't take everything so seriously. Don't be a "Very Worried Walrus"-a reference to a character in the Sweet Pickles children's book series. You see the Very Worried Walrus always concentrated on things going wrong. He did this so much he was miserable all the time.

Now, it is important that we take care of things we are in control of, but remember we can't control everything. Learn to laugh at those things you can't control. If you can learn to do this you will feel better and be less stressed. A secondary aspect of laughing at uncontrollable situations is that people will like you a whole lot better because nobody wants to be around someone who is gloomy and sullen all the time.

Also, once you have done all you can do to take care of what you can control, get a massage or do something else that is pleasant and relaxing.

"Nuff Said"